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Environmentally Unfriendly Mug

At work, they gave us "environmentallly friendly" green mugs made out of corn plastic. This inspired me to make my own Environmentally Unfriendly Mug

Here's the image for the mug print:

Some of the phrases featured on the mug:
  • Environmentally Unfriendly mug
  • All-new materials! (no recycling)
  • Not dishwasher safe! Please discard after single use.
  • Biohazard, radioactive
  • May contain trace amounts of Strontium 90, Lead and Mercury
  • Genuine Ivory Base!
  • 117 animals were harmed during the production of this mug
  • Whale bone handle!
The finished mug looks something like this
You can find the mug on cafepress.com
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